Keep your cards and money in its place with an all-around zipper closure. This bi-fold wallet will also protect your ID and credit cards against unwanted scans with RFID-blocking materials, but also includes a quick scan pocket for your transport cards for easy and fast transactions. Add a cut-resistant wallet strap (sold separately) to the D-ring attachment point on the wallet or use it to clip inside a Pacsafe bag for extra security. Made with 7 recycled plastic bottles.
- Made from recycled PET for sustainability
- Water repellent shell fabric
- Attachment point to clip into a Pacsafe bag or to attach wallet strap
- Quick scan pocket for transport cards or fast transactions
- Fits all currencies without the need to fold
- 6 card slots
- Coin pocket with zipper
- Full-length zip closure
- RFIDsafe blocking pockets and material