The MSR® Miniworks™ EX water filter is lightweight, with the same easy pumping action and carbon-cored ceramic element as the MSR WaterWorks™ EX filter, but without the final membrane filter. The side-mounted lever is easier to use than bike-pump-type filters. The base of the filter is threaded to screw directly onto Nalgene® wide-mouth water bottles or all MSR Dromedary™ bags, reducing spillage and the risk of cross-contamination with unfiltered water. The over-pressure relief valve vents water back down the intake hose, so you don’t get soaked with untreated water. A gauge is supplied so you can determine when it’s time to replace the ceramic filter element.
- Filters at 1L per minute flow rate using AirSpring™ air bubble technology
- Effective against protozoa, and 0.2 micron or larger bacteria
- Reduces concentrations of some chemicals (including iodine and chlorine)
- Reduces odours and tastes
- Foam pre-filter included